I guess the start of the week has its effect on me... Last Monday, we had a team meeting at work. Our boss updated us on management's most recent plans. It was no surprise that the company is cost-cutting - after all, who isn't? It was no surprise that there will be no salary increases and that eventually, some employment contracts might not be renewed or that some people may be "let go". What strike me and my teammates is the timing of the possible "letting go" of people ---- no later than June this year! Guess, we all have to enjoy working for the company (or probably here in the island) while it lasts! Below is to share some events from my so-far-less-than-one-year-stay here in Bermuda.
First taste of Bermudian fast food.
Taken April 2008, view from my temporary accommodation. It was 7 PM; the sun's just about to set. (Tomorrow's the second DST I'd experience here.)
Back home, it was not often that I see animals like these along
the streets.
I'd like to feed more birds.
And view the island from a lighthouse.
Or join locals as they reunite with family and friends in the streets to watch parades during special occasions. Taken Bermuda Day, May 25, 2008.
And watch the Prime Minister dance his heart out! If he'd dare do it again.
Shop in this not-so-mall-looking shopping mall.
And ride the ferry back and forth.
More pictures on my next posts. Thanks for reminiscing with me.
nice pictures! more more!