Friday, April 10, 2009

A Meaningful Lent

Palm Sunday in the Philippines is much celebrated. Palm leaf making has even become an art. Various designs have come up over the years. Palm leaves are normally sold at the front of the church before the mass. Prices vary as the designs do. I missed home more when I saw these pictures in Flicker.

Palm Sunday here in Bermuda is celebrated too. Only, palm leaves are not sold but given by the church to church-goers. There is not much art as you would see in the picture below.

I found myself reflecting on those extravagant palm leaves. Is it necessary to show my artistic side when I bring one to church? How do I relate this with my life's choices, with my preferences, during Lent or otherwise? Do I realize simplicity as beauty or do I go into status symbols and the likes?

With this ever changing and demanding world that we have now, there's much to think about this Lenten season. May we all have a meaningful one.

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I got a new laptop as a Christmas gift so I thought about sharing my thoughts over the net. I must say I have been wanting to do this for sometime... this free resource just made me want to do this more! =) I am an overseas worker whose home is on the other side of the planet. I have not gone home since I arrived here. Hopefully by the end of this year, I will get to share with you my first homecoming experience. I hope you enjoy reading... and I could not go without saying, THANKS for dropping by. :)

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