Sunday, May 24, 2009


We are in a dilemma... whether to move out of our current studio to a one bedroom house, which is of course larger and more homy, but farther to town. Cost differential is not material; but convenience is a factor, as our current place is near to a grocery store, a beach, and a church. Waaaa!!! I found it hard to sleep last night because of this!

Change is one thing, but there are risks associated with it. We barely know the lessor there. We do not hate it living here. The bus schedule there is much better. The area here is much lighted and feels safer at night. Laundry facilities there is private, while we share with the other tenants here. What a headache to consider all these and more!

We have not decided yet. Could be more sleepless nights.

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I got a new laptop as a Christmas gift so I thought about sharing my thoughts over the net. I must say I have been wanting to do this for sometime... this free resource just made me want to do this more! =) I am an overseas worker whose home is on the other side of the planet. I have not gone home since I arrived here. Hopefully by the end of this year, I will get to share with you my first homecoming experience. I hope you enjoy reading... and I could not go without saying, THANKS for dropping by. :)

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