Sunday, January 25, 2009

Name Game

My mother told me that I was named by one of my aunts. And the original choice was to include "Marie" as my second name. Thank God, for some reason, they were not able to! Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against that name. Growing up, I always enjoyed having a short name! I didn't have much to write during quizzes and exams but the answers (if I happen to know them!). I used to hear complaints from those who were named too long... two or three names, imagine! But I could not blame anyone for that! As a parent, you would also want your child's name to be unique, wouldn't you? You might want to spare him the hassles of getting a police/government clearances; those with similar names as others have to wait extra hours/days before they get cleared!

I finally felt how to name someone when I had to name our family's dog. She's the most different among her siblings as her head was spotted with black, while the others are so white. During those times, I was dealing with a recruiter named "Heather", and I liked her name. So much so that our dog's "head" is differently colored! So, "her" "head" is! So "Head" "her" is! So I named her "Heather"! A British name for our cute mongrel (mixed-breed or "askal" in the Philippines)!

It might not always be that easy to come up with a name for someone... a name is a name!!! Most likely, one would carry it for the rest of his life (at least if he wants to be spared of legal expenses to have it changed!). It's never an easy task I guess. There are a lot of considerations at place - - - What were yours when you had to do it? Did you ever have regrets? Was your subject happy with the name you gave him?

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I got a new laptop as a Christmas gift so I thought about sharing my thoughts over the net. I must say I have been wanting to do this for sometime... this free resource just made me want to do this more! =) I am an overseas worker whose home is on the other side of the planet. I have not gone home since I arrived here. Hopefully by the end of this year, I will get to share with you my first homecoming experience. I hope you enjoy reading... and I could not go without saying, THANKS for dropping by. :)

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