Sunday, February 22, 2009

All About Reactions

I got a number of reactions and responses from my friends and family who heard about the engagement. I wanted to reply to each one but a text message is just not enough to cover the story. Hope I'll be able to answer their yearnings for details here... and share a few more things about the event.

I never really told anyone yet until I had the ring sized to fit my finger. Unfortunately, my then boyfriend thought my ring finger is a little bigger than it is. My fiance put the ring on my finger on February 18. He proposed on the 14th.

Another reason that I did not tell anyone yet is that my fiance and I had a misunderstanding right after the proposal. We had everything settled only on the night of the 17th. So everything was just timely to tell the news the day I got the ring.

So I told my family and closest friends about it. The general reaction was: "Wow! Congrats!/Best wishes! How did he propose?" I guess I was to blame for that question. It was kinda leading when I texted you guys that he proposed; instead of just saying we got engaged.

On February 13, after office, we had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants here. He gave me flowers, artificial ones. Before you take it against him, let me tell you that I requested for that. I wanted to add flowers to that dead spot in our studio so I asked him to buy those for me on V day. (I would not want to buy them myself as they are more expensive than real ones! If you know me well, you would understand... Hehehe.)

Saturday morning, 14th, I woke up later than he did (as it would normally be). The only thing different is that he is in bed, watching over me, when he would usually be doing stuff in the living room. He smirked and just popped a small black box. I am not naive to not know what that was and what it's for, but I asked anyway. It took a while and a little teasing from me before he said those words in three languages: English, Filipino, and some Chinese (which obviously I did not understand - and could probably be wrong since he's not really good in Chinese).

So there ends the story of the proposal. I could not remember when I answered since it also took a while. It probably was between an argument which we had right after we got out of bed. Not your conventional proposal moment I suppose. But if you're looking for a romantic scene, I can tell you that also between our argumentative lines, he knelt on his knees holding the ring (but he was kinda joking). The rest is history.

Going back to the reactions, the strangest one I got was from my mother. I told her through Skype, I showed her the ring. I guess she did not get it at first since she said, "Ilang carat?" (How many carats?). I could not remember when I told her that it was from my fiance, but I remember her asking again if the gold is of good quality. Hahahaha!!! Could you imagine my face when I got that reactions? (To be fair to my Mom, I am not really sure if I made her understand that I got engaged. I think I just assumed she would know.) I was so disappointed that I no longer ask to talk to my Dad to tell him. Maybe tonight I will.

This morning, my fiance and I spoke with his mom who, I found out, knew about the plan all along. She said, when the wedding's done, I get to call her "Mama". At least this eliminates the usual awkwardness that married people normally have when they do not know how the in-laws want to be called. I know few people who had this dilemma.

So much for my/their reactions. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. That's wierd,but cool, some people undertand emotions and signs way better than they understand words.

    But the poem, if eyes are the windows to a soul, then some people be putting up curtains.


About Me

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I got a new laptop as a Christmas gift so I thought about sharing my thoughts over the net. I must say I have been wanting to do this for sometime... this free resource just made me want to do this more! =) I am an overseas worker whose home is on the other side of the planet. I have not gone home since I arrived here. Hopefully by the end of this year, I will get to share with you my first homecoming experience. I hope you enjoy reading... and I could not go without saying, THANKS for dropping by. :)

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